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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

All You Need To Know About Tummy Tuck Surgery But Were Afraid To Ask

The medical term for tummy tuck surgery is Abdominoplasty. It's used to help make a protruding stomach a great deal firmer and slimmer. Basically, the procedure aims to reduce the size of the abdomen, and also to tone it up. It's not an essential surgery, but is mostly undertaken by people who are unhappy about their body shape and want to improve their shape.

Even though tummy tuck surgery may be considered a cosmetic procedure, it's still a major operation and requires a substantial recovery period. You need to allow at least a few weeks for your body to be reasonably back to normal, and perhaps months before your recovery is complete.

Tummy tuck surgery is often recommended for people who have been obese but then lost a great deal of weight, leaving them with excess hanging skin around the abdomen. This can also be a good remedy for women who've been left with sagging skin and stretch marks after pregnancy. The surgeon removes this excess skin and also any excess fat from the abdominal area. During the procedure the abdominal walls are also tightened.

Because a tummy tuck is major surgery, the patient needs to be in good condition before even considering going ahead. Although many people assume that a tummy tuck can be used to help an obese person lose weight, in fact a reputable surgeon would advise the obese person to lose that weight by other means, such as diet and exercise, before undergoing a tummy tuck.

It's very important to listen to your surgeon if he recommends delaying your surgery so that you can lose weight. Obesity brings with it the possibility of complications during surgery, including respiratory issues and the risk of developing a blood clot (deep venous thrombosis), and also issues during recovery such as slow healing and infection. A tummy tuck is also not recommended for a woman who plans to become pregnant. It's generally a much better idea to have the baby first and then get a tummy tuck.

Remember, too, that having a tummy tuck will mean you have an abdominal scar. This is a major medical procedure, and this type of surgery will inevitably leave scarring. Naturally a good surgeon will always try to minimize the visibility of scarring, but it's basically impossible to have no scar at all.

Considering tummy tuck surgery or just want more tummy tuck surgery information? Try visiting located at where you will find detailed information on the tummy tuck procedure and how much a tummy tuck cost.

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Posted by rtrrfjpdn | 2:06 PM |

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