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Thursday, September 27, 2007

How to Quit Smoking? Guide for Becoming a Non-Smoker

Most smokers are afraid that they cant quit, that cigarettes are more powerful than they are. Actually this is fear from the fear, because if you are still smoking, how can you know that its hard without cigarettes? This is a result from your habit that is controlling you so much that it wont allow you to imagine how life can look like without smoking.

This point brings another question or excuse of yours. I love smoking; I love the ritual, etc. This is partially true, you love the time spent with yourself in that moment. But the cigarette will burn after two minutes, so why light it in the first place? Shell burn but the pleasure will only last for two minutes. It will last for two minutes and only two minutes. No more. This conditioning will continue until you are brave enough to interrupt this pattern.

First thing you have to do is to hate that youre controlled. How can you be a free human being, when someone or something controls you? This should be the first milestone for you. The rest are simply techniques that will help you substitute the smoking habit.

You cant stop smoking without thinking and trying to implement a non-smoker habit.

After you are sure that you understand this, and only after youre sure, follow these instructions:
If you can hold out without smoking for only one minute, dont you think that you can do it in the next minute? Sure you can. You should battle the craving by the minute. It is a much shorter time period to fight your battle and win. This makes the war all that much easier.
Your first trigger occurs at a point where the body is conditioned to enjoy a cigarette along with a drink or after a meal, etc. These triggers will last for a maximum of 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes your entire body will convince you that it is okay to light the cigarette, that you have reason and it will come up with so many excuses that it will be hard for you to say no.
Second, as I mentioned in the secret for becoming a non-smoker, you should not involve yourself in your personal fight with the habit. You cant win your habit in this way, because there will be a period when youre feeling down and that will be a good enough reason for lighting a cigarette.
You should also be aware that youll be very confused in the first 3 days and this is normal and you should accept it. This is the period where your brain is forcing you to light a cigarette and attempts to convince you with what may seem reasonable excuses. Since you programmed your brain to feel pleasure whenever you light a cigarette, it is now telling you that something might be wrong without a cigarette or that something might be missing from your life. Your brain is like a big and mighty ship, but youre the captain, and it will follow your navigation orders, but needs time to take the right course. There is also wind that is blowing your ship in different directions, and there is still a force that is pushing the ship towards the old navigation commands. Dont forget the power that you as a captain posses, you can change the course of your ship in any direction you want.

By my experience youll need only 3 days to start feeling like a non-smoker.
Another very helpful thing is to try to help some of your friends who are smokers. Try telling them about this techniques and theories and check their opinion. You can make some kind of pact, trying to work together to beat this habit. At the bottom of every post there is a link labeled Tell a friend!. Use this link to forward this message and at least remind your friends that they can quit. This can be very stimulating for you and your strength to quit smoking.

I light my first cigarette at the age of 13. Since then Ive been actively smoking for 12 years. Now, Im a non-smoker for over a year. I discover the big secret for quitting forever. Therefore, I decide to help people who are willing to quit for good. is a site dedicated to all who are searching for answers. Please, research the subjects carefully, read the posts couple of times if necessary, and I can guarantee you results.

Dont stop trying, and have a nice trip!

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Posted by rtrrfjpdn | 3:49 PM | E-mail this post

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